Each workshop focuses on a special area of management and employee concern: Leadership, teamwork, creativity, performance & productivity, selling & sales, handling stress, and healthful mindsets and habits. These workshops provide a controlled, high-impact environment for participants to experience and benefit from the power of The Cameron Method.
Leading employers say that in any position they’ll take an adaptable "people person" over a technically proficient worker. It is also people like this, executives have found, who are in much too short supply, with traits that cannot be trained into existence. "We can teach programming, but we can’t teach personality and motivation", as a Fortune 500 human resources manager summarized the problem (quoted in Tammy Joyner's 11/18/99 article in the Atlanta Journal/Constitution about the recent Metro Atlanta Chamber of Commerce study looking at the needs of 40 major Georgia firms in eight key industries such as manufacturing, health care and services). CompuMind.com is pleased to report that this is no longer true. We CAN "teach personality and motivation" and we can even do it with workshops and with interactive software. |
The Solution: The Cameron Method The Cameron Method's Ideomotor Signaling is clinically established and the most advanced way available of finding out real beliefs and opinions. It is simple, effective, and accurate. The Cameron Method (CompuMind™ System) uses Ideomotor Signaling for in-depth personal consulting for people who seek to accelerate professional and/or personal achievement. The Cameron Method also provides a simple, powerful strategy for making basic changes in counterproductive or limiting mindsets.It is available for use in telephone counseling, one-on-one in person sessions, workshops, and interactive software.
4975 Crowe Drive
Smyrna, GA 30082770-333-0131
Fax: 770-333-0121
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Last revision 31 May 2000.