The Cameron Method - Newsletter Archive31 May, 1998 - Managing Stress in the Workplace
Serious harm to managerial and other personnel who remain following layoffs may be much greater than previously supposed.
A recent study published in the medical journal Circulation 3/98, and reported in the New York Times, notes that the two situations that produce the strongest risk of heart attacks are:
- Having to fire someone, and
- Working under a high pressure deadline.
"So much of our work mentality is warlike combat, us against them." said Joseph Loizzo, psychiatrist and director of the Center for Meditation and Healing at the Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center. "To reduce stress, you really have to practice a unilateral disarmament of sorts -- no matter what the company culture is -- by pulling back from the bad feelings and arming yourself instead with psychic defenses."
Efforts in this area are well known. They include meditation and relaxation exercises, and visualization techniques, such as mental rehearsals of overcoming challenging or stressful situations.
The mind works in interesting ways... and the heart follows. Negative emotions equal negative physical outcomes. Simple as that. If you feel that you are no longer in control of your life, the body reacts. Hope is lost. Despair broadens. The body gets the message to attack itself. The immune system is compromised and defenses go down.
Since life is full of these challenges, how can you protect yourself while you are out there competing in the world? Is there a secret weapon to ward off planting negative seeds of despair?
The next step in mind techniques, The Cameron Method, has been developed to help you create the successful, happy life you want, regardless of circumstance and apparent threat. It's available in one-on-one coaching, in workshops, a book, and in software.
Try its Releasing Strategy now on some of these thoughts: Repeat each statement aloud once or until you can say it easily.
- I release my Belief, Perception and Judgment that I can't handle the conflicts in my job.
- I release all fear that I can't deal with my company's policies or demands.
- I release my Belief, Perception and Judgment that my work is too much for me to handle.
- I release my Belief, Perception and Judgment that it's breaking my heart to continue this way.
- I release my Belief, Perception and Judgment that I can't be calm at work because of ________.
- I release the Belief, Perception and Judgment that I can't find or create the work environment I want.
- I release my Belief, Perception and Judgment that if I have to lay someone off, it won't turn out well for them in the long run.
- I release my Belief, Perception and Judgment that pressures at work are too much for me.
- I release all fear that I can't handle the pressures at work.
Have a great day,
Sharon and Clark CameronThe Cameron Group
Helping People Create Attitudes That Work For Them(Email) Cameron@CompuMind.com
(Web) http://www.compumind.com/
"Attitude makes all the difference!"
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