Permanent Weight LossAlbum Summary
by Dr. Clark Cameron and Sharon M. Cameron
Side 1 - the Nature of Permanent Weight Loss
The five purposes of this program. The Releasing Strategy: Using the spoken word. The eight benefits of using the Releasing Strategy. The four Releasing Statements. The challenge of Permanent Weight Loss: Understanding the problem.
Side 2 - The Real Problem: Your Mistaken Identity
The Overweight Identity Shapers: Lifestyle, How our society conditions your unconscious mindset; and Genes. The nine fundamental ways in which people take on the beliefs and habits that cause a weight problem.
Side 3 - The Surprising Facts of Permanent Weight Loss
What does being "overweight" really mean? How fat affects your life. Living for fitness not thinness. Shifting your thinking to muscle tone. Gaining insight into the real reasons for overeating. What you can do to change your behavior. A final tip or two.
Side 4 - The Solution to Your Weight Problem
What medical research has shown to be the real consumption problem: Consumption of the wrong types of energy sources. Where our misconceptions about food come from. What medical research has shown to be the real exercise problem: Not exercising the right way.
Side 5 - How to Use the Weight Releasing Strategy
How to use Releasing Statements: "I release my belief, perspective and judgment that...", I release all need or desire to...", I release my unwillingness to...", I release all fear of..." or "I release all fear that...". Making sure you get your release right.
Side 6 - Releasing Overweight Role Models
Answering the fundamental question: Who are your "significant others" with a weight problem? The keys to shifting your weight identity: Learning, Unlearning and Relearning about who you are. Applying Releasing Statements.
Side 7 - What's the Payoff?
The hidden and not so hidden benefits of creating overweight bodies: Physical sensations, Making others look bad, Gaining attention, Taking your mind off your problems. Making a list of the important ways you will benefit by embracing a healthy lifestyle. Applying Releasing Statements.
Side 8 - Guilt Must Go!
Guilt: How it works. Questioning your guilt: How have you disappointed either parent or anyone else important to you? Finding the reasons for anger. What have you done that you should not have done? A Releasing Session.
Side 9 - Conflict, Stress and Permanent Weight Loss
How stress works. Dealing with conflict. Understanding the fears that cause stress. Taking a life inventory of your stress. Ten inventory questions to answer. Creating Release Statements.
Side 10 - The Enormous Power of Imprints
What is an imprint: The power of memories. Affirmations. Using positive imprints. The images of food that have been imprinted in our minds by our culture. Organ Language: How your body has internalized your imprint statements. Examining your own Organ Language. Exploring "other dimensions." Visiting and understanding your subconscious. Time to do some releasing!
Side 11 - The Impact of Experience and Traumas
The experiences that are the fundamental keys to your overeating mindset. Understanding emotional attention. Changing your habits, reorganizing your learned preferences. A six-point review of the key facts about habits. How to carefully examine your own beliefs and habits, and the reasons to change. Trauma, how it affects eating patterns. Releasing negative traumas.
Side 12 - Where Do You Go From Here?
Reviewing the guidelines that can take you into your new life as a fit and trim person. Changing your lifestyle. Choosing to lower the setting on your "fat thermostat." Seven guidelines to help you on your journey.
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