The Cameron Method Corporate Workshops
Executive Leadership & Management
Leading Where You Want To Go
If you don't know where you're going you'll probably end up someplace else. And so will the people following you. This is a course to concentrate on removing the blocks to top leadership potential. You will learn techniques to empower true self-confidence, your own charisma as well as enhancing the power to lead and the ability to carry the responsibility when you do. We will also discuss and define the extensive psychological impact of managing methods and how to draw the line to differ ones that work from those that don't, even though they may be popular and seem natural.
Who Should Attend:
Individuals in management or leadership positions as well as those who desire moving into that level.
Topics Presented Include:
- An overview of how the mind adopts its strategies
- Automatic response patterns that can bankrupt leadership
- Eight keys to mind blocks
- Creating trust and cooperation between managers and those working with them.
- Releasing the blocks to leadership potential and responsibility The 10 second method of releasing frustration
- Experiential exercises for releasing blocks
- Keeping on track with continuing practice.
CompuMind software as well as personal and telephonic consulting is available for continuing mental training and development using The Cameron Method.
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