The Cameron Method Corporate Workshops
Health & Fitness
Creating the Mindset for Permanent Health and Fitness
Never to worry about being out of shape again! Too many diets and weight loss schemes are short term. Often the demands of work lead us to take eating short cuts (grab whatever is there - usually high fat, low fiber and/or high sugar.) Then too we can have little or no energy left for formal exercise. With this course, you can learn not only scientifically sound data on eating, but especially you will learn how to assist your mind not to block what you consciously want. The ultimate purpose of the course is to enable participants to create a healthy body and feel comfortable while doing it. It is also to help you gently transform habits to keep that healthier body automatically, and seemingly effortlessly. This course is based on the recent Nightingale Conant album Permanent Weight Loss authored by the Camerons.
Who Should Attend:
Individuals who are (1) interested in increasing energy, getting rid of excess body fat, and getting healthier and (2) are ready to make some changes to do it. Especially recommended if you think you have tried everything.
Topics Presented Include:
- An overview of how the mind and body got to where it is now
Automatic response patterns that can disrupt any health effort
Mental blocks to weight loss- A different way of looking at food and exercise
- Being willing to let it work
- The 10 second Mind Lever
- Experiential practice for releasing blocks
- Learning to keep on track with practice and using CompuMind Software.
CompuMind software as well as personal and telephonic consulting is available for continuing mental training and development using The Cameron Method.
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