REALITY CHANGE: The Global Seth Journal
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Compiled by Bettie Ritchie Kielty
Reviewed by Ann Emerson
excerpted with permission
Designing Your Heart's Desire:
The Releasing Strategy
For Personal Power & Peace of MindBy Sharon Marshall Cameron
The market is flooded with self-help books recommending many disciplines and methods for dealing with personal problems. People determined to create a better reality have become aware that decisions and ways of coping adopted in times of stress and trauma in childhood, when we did not have the experience to understand what results they would bring, still lurk in our unconscious and often arise to upset us. Yet effective ways to come to grips with these challenges have been hard to come by or put into use.
A new and promising book has come along called The Releasing Strategy. It is the result of thirteen years of work by two therapists - a husband and wife team - Sharon and Clark Cameron. It is a deceptively simple method, yet a productive and usable technique that provides an effective way to let go of unconscious blocks that may be limiting or frustrating you in any area of your life. It has the advantage of accessing both the feminine and the masculine in our psyches.
Apparently the Releasing Strategy has been useful for a great many people, so much so that its originators found that their clients quickly solved their problems and moved on. However, personal referrals have kept their calendar filled with new clients, attesting to the method's effectiveness. The successes have been so striking that Cameron felt compelled to write this book to tell as many people as she can how it can be used, since the number of lives she and her husband can personally touch is limited.
The author is cognizant of Seth's ideas. She met her husband, Clark, when he attended a class she was teaching called "Create Your Own Reality" and mention is made in The Releasing Strategy of Jane's work. The couple have long been working with the nitty gritty of how to help people let go of the deep emotional programming that defeats their efforts to bring about what they desire in everyday life.
This is not a long book. It is clearly and cogently written, laying the groundwork for how to use the strategy and offering examples. An explanation is given about why affirmations may not work, and how to make them effective. Chapters cover conflicts with parents, childhood, relationships, loneliness, God, stress, success, addictions, compulsive behaviors, handling fears and phobias and more.
Reference is made to the Camerons' use of the pendulum, which they call an Indicator or motor-response device, and muscle-testing to uncover the cause of self-defeating patterns and responses acquired in childhood. However, Cameron says that is not necessary to know why we adopted a particular response. We need only work with our fears and avoidances, and by using the Strategy we can get the results we seek.
Clark Cameron has written a manual, called Becoming Your Authentic Self, on the more complicated one-on-one process they use. Clark and Sharon have created software (CompuMindTM), a computer program, to replace working with a therapist.
Not content to take another's word for it, I tried the Strategy on one of my long-time blocks about being unable to feel energies and was amazed by the results. I intend to use this technique in a number of other areas in my life and I highly recommend the book to fellow Sethians who still may be having some difficulties in their reality creation. It could also be valuable to therapists seeking more tools for helping their clients.
-Ann Emerson
Anacortes, WA
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