Designing Your Heart's Desire:
The Releasing Strategy
For Personal Power and Peace of Mind
Sharon Cameron is the author of the defining book on the Camerons' Releasing method, Designing Your Heart's Desire: The Releasing Strategy for Personal Power and Peace of Mind. You can learn to release unconscious blocks that may be limiting or frustrating you in any area of your life.
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Read the reviews...
- Venture Inward, the Journal of the Association for Research and Enlightenment, reviewed by Henry Reed
- Reality Change: The Global Seth Journal
- Ideas in Action, the Newsletter of First Church of Religious Science of Greater San Jose.
- Personal Stories
June 4, 2000, Reviewer: cahays_98 (from from Arkansas I would recommend this book to anyone who is serious about wanting to change their life for the better. I am a true believer in the power of the Releasing Strategy. I have had a weight problem all of my life. About 10 months ago, I got my hands on a self-help cassette series entitled Permanent Weight Loss by Dr.Clark Cameron. This tape series covers the Releasing Strategy developed by Dr. Clark Cameron and Sharon Marshall Cameron. After listening to the tapes, I was highly motiviated to change my life and my health. I tracked down Clark and Sharon and went to see Sharon for some counciling. I have slowly but surely been shedding the pounds ever since. Quiet effortlessly. I bought a copy of this book and have read it several times since then. It helps keep me focused on where I am going. The Releasing Strategy is simple and no matter what your problem is, it will help you change for the better!
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