An Intensive Healing and Joy Enhancing Experience for Two
The RecouplingTM Experience![]()
Now Is The Time!
If you want to transform the relationship you are in – or give insurance for an upcoming marriage or partnership - The Recoupling Experience offers an exciting way to enhance and inspire your mate relationship in a comprehensive way.Even with what seem to be the most wonderful prospects for any relationship, there can be problems waiting to sabotage it.
Most of these problems we've encountered in this area result from deep-seated response patterns of thought, feeling and action. These patterns are often created from impressions and examples you’ve had in your past. They are a direct result of what you perceived, experienced and learned, often based on the examples of parents or other role models when you were growing up.
Now, even if you had "perfect parents" who enjoyed a "perfect marriage", your ability to create a lasting and happy relationship can be untracked by other crucial experiences and evaluations.
The real sources of these negative forces are normally hidden from our conscious awareness, deep in the unconscious mind. Hence, even with the best of intentions, the tendency is to go on, unknowingly repeating basic mistakes that sabotage relationships and happiness.
As a couple, working with Sharon Cameron, together while learning the system, then with her one-to-one separately, you will personally experience the profound realignment impact of The Cameron Method. You will accomplish truly remarkable things during what is likely to be the most extraordinary experience you've ever had.
Ensure Your Future!
In a single life-altering two-day experience, you and your mate will
... Access and monitor your subconscious mind while in a fully conscious state.
... Learn why you have reacted as you have and what has undermined or limited your happiness together until now.
... Uncover and remove long-hidden blocks to a permanently rewarding mate relationship.
... Release buried fears that have diminished or crippled your capacity for zestful, successful living and an ever richer life partnership.
... Explore new insights into your mate relationship and what makes it work.
... Gain a healing perspective on your own relationship.You will also take giant steps to…
... Maximize successful intimacy and sharing of life's challenges, opportunities and joys.
... Master the ability to release harmful negative feelings and perceptions as they arise before they can damage your relationship.
... Understand and appreciate the profound differences in perception and attitude that make your mate relationship such a challenging test and rewarding growth experience.
... Establish real communication in the aspects of your relationship that are important to you.
... Stop counter-productive, upsetting, game-playing behaviors that can sour the best of relationships.
... Change your mind where and when it's essential and learn effective strategies to support your mate with the process.
... Open your innermost self, perhaps for the first time, to your innate ability to give and receive unconditional love, particularly in your mate relationship.
... Put the fun, the sheer joy of life, into your relationship, and keep it there.
What Is The Recoupling Experience?The Recoupling Experience is a two day transformational psychotherapeutic experience for two led by Sharon Cameron that is grounded in the spiritual dimension. It is designed to realign the love and companionate energies of a couples who want to have the most fulfilling and successful relationship possible. As a bonus, they can also develop a positive pattern that their children can follow.
In addition, it is provides the best possible lifelong insurance on a contemplated or forthcoming marriage.
Sharon Cameron is co-creator with Dr. Clark Cameron of The Cameron Method which has been judged by many to be the most significant breakthrough in changing human consciousness and behavior - rapidly, effectively and enjoyably.
Your Guide, Colleague, Friend and Teacher in the Recoupling Adventure
Sharon Cameron considers herself to be a guide and teacher in the process she has co-pioneered that allows clients to restructure and enhance their mate relationships.
This system the Camerons developed underscores the belief that all successful therapy is an "inside job" of making the self whole, happy, and effective again. It is, in the last analysis, a profoundly spiritual undertaking.
With the amazing stresses of modern life, there is a growing aversion to divorce, casual affairs, and loneliness they produce. Now, more than ever, we need a viable approach to creating lasting positive relationships.Whether you wish to save your relationship or enhance it, we believe you will find The Recoupling Experience a truly rewarding one. Contact The Cameron Group to learn how this remarkable new process can and will work for you.
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