What people say about CompuMindTM SalesPowerTM...![]()
Teryn Prehm, health & nutrition sales, Los Altos, CA.:
"I was bogged down, unable to make prospecting calls for over a week. My SalesPower software turned all of that completely around. I've never been so consistently motivated and performing at such an effective level."
Derek Anderson, computer systems engineer, entrepreneur and athlete, Cupertino, CA. He is thoroughly acquainted with SalesPower and The Cameron Method. His observations:
" CompuMind is a breakthrough in computer applications and in human re-engineering. It helps me whenever I need it to determine what I'm really feeling that isn't helping or working for me, and then to change it. With it, I can change any belief area that's a problem. It's the best overall self-help program available anywhere. It's like having your own personal psychologist available 24 hours a day. If I feel I'm having an off day, I can find out what's really going on and get rid of the beliefs causing it. Bang. No delay. I really love it. It's great. Very user friendly. It's logically mapped throughout. And it's also very intuitive. Even a novice can navigate it easily and not get lost. As to the Releasing Statements, they're just about perfect. You can change just about any mental or emotional programming. And you can do all this in complete privacy. Fantastic!"
David B. Cheek, M.D., one of America's two giants of clinical hypnotherapy, and the foremost medical exponent of ideomotor signaling until his death in 1996. After working with a copy of CompuMind software, including the book by Sharon Cameron, he wrote to the Camerons:
" The evolution of what you two have been doing has been interesting for me to watch. I must admit that my first thoughts were negative. You seemed to be oversimplifying the complexities of human behavior. I can see that your enthusiasms and your intuitions have born fruit.....I would like to keep the [video]tape and the book to lend to patients I am working with who have had the problems mentioned [pregnant women with premature labor, hemorrhage, preeclampsia, unnecessary hospitalizations and surgeries] and who will be looking for [their own copies of] your software when ready. Have you worked up software for the Apple Mac?...Best regards and congratulations to you both."
Rick Ingrasci, M.D., M.P.H., psychiatrist, a national leader in alternative medicine and in the use of multimedia approaches (including interactive computer software) to medical problems and healing, Langley, Washington. Urged to try CompuMind by the director of the Hoffman Institute in San Anselmo, he summarized his experience in a fax to Clark Cameron:
" Congratulations! I've been working with SalesPower for 4 days now, and I really think you've got something powerful here."
Lynne McDonald, technical sales representative, Atlanta, GA, says this about the software and process:
" This program is so much cheaper than any therapy or coaching and more effective. It has helped me in my job as well as personal life. I especially find beneficial the speed with which I can take care of whatever issues, problems or blocks I may have. I don't have to go make an appointment, take time to go to any therapist, or go through hours of analysis to do it. I love its immediate availability to get the job done. Even after long experience with the process, I am still amazed at the results I get. At the time I may be working with it, I think 'This can't be doing anything.' but then three hours later I realize I'm working much more productively. No blocks anymore. And I love the privacy. I don't need to share my problems with anyone else. I don't need to figure how I feel and explain myself to someone else. I can just go through the process and boom, I get the results I need."
Bryon Price, manager, Saturn Sunnyvale, instructing his sales staff in using SalesPower, told them:
" I bought SalesPower from you only after putting it through the toughest testing I could devise. In fact, I took it home with me and used my vacation to work with it for eight hours over several days trying to 'break the system.' I couldn't. That's why I bought it. So go to work with it knowing it can help you like no other personal growth program I'm acquainted with."
Henry Reed, author, lecturer, psychologist and teacher, reported his experience with the software to his worldwide audience as follows:
"Recently I encountered a provocative innovation in the treatment of detrimental ideas. It involves a self-care...process [the Camerons] have developed for discovering and eliminating unwanted beliefs....When I do one of their releasing practices, I can feel a shift in perception that makes a whole new world possible. To make this process more concrete, the Camerons translated the technique into a computer program...called CompuMind. It includes a mechanical device, called the 'response indicator.' Together they create a fascinating interactive experience that is an opportunity for self-exploration, self-change, and observable results....When you return to the computer's assessment area to reevaluate yourself on the beliefs [after Releasing negative ones], you will be amazed to find that the response indicator now shows the detrimental ideas have lost their power. Something has changed." (Venture Inward, Fall 1996, in Reed's feature review, "Releasing Negativity is the Key.")
Mary McClelland, Santa Clara massage therapist, states:
"Whenever I'm getting at all upset over my husband and our relationship, I simply go to my computer. In short order I'm calm and content again. Even if I'm feeling 100% negative about him or what's been happening, it all changes like magic when I use the relevant part of the program. It's wonderful. It's completely private, I don't have to schedule an appointment with a therapist and then wait, I get just the help I need when I need it. It is convenient, succinct, effective. It is, quite simply, a miraculous tool for self-therapy."
Bill Theberge, Fremont sales engineer, reveals why he bought SalesPower:
"I'd gotten my subconscious pretty well cleaned up six years ago as a client of Clark's, and thereafter regularly used Releasing to keep in good mental and emotional shape. But I came to realize that I needed available help in getting the right Releasing Statements for the kind of life problems that kept coming up. I actually bought the program as a result of a very tough six months period when I was divorced, my mother was dying, I changed jobs several times and made some major moves to the Bay Area from Seattle suburbs. I got SalesPower knowing I had a lot of work to do on myself to keep sane and productive. That's the greatest benefit of this software---to be able to make important breakthroughs in your emotional life when you need them. I can overcome the really tough stuff life can dish up."
Vic Braden, clinical psychologist, Southern California's internationally recognized tennis & skiing coach, and researcher on the psychophysiology of over 40 sports, summarized his feelings about CompuMind as follows:
"One of the things that impresses me most about this software is the fact that it can restore a positive attitude and real hope so fast. The loss of hope is one of the worst things that can happen to people. Working with The Cameron Method, as the software leads you through the program, restores hope so quickly and easily. It is a real breakthrough in applied psychology."
David Rosprim, small business owner of Petaluma CA, reviews his experience:
"CompuMind is a remarkable tool. It covers a broad spectrum of the areas we actually operate in during our lives and it is a dynamic educational experience in its own right. It teaches us where we are in our underlying motivations and needs and lets us know what we yet have to do to become the kind of effective and happy person we'd like to be. It then enables us to change our beliefs and therefore how we operate. One of the really interesting things for me has been to discover the amount of resistance my ego throws up to doing the work that is going to benefit me. Every time I use CompuMind I recycle through various aspects of this unconscious resistance, which itself becomes an invaluable learning and growth experience. It is really an incredible learning and development tool, and the more I use it the better I get at understanding both other people and myself."
Dr. Peter Moscow, Ph.D., holistic consultant and healthy-life talk show host in Louisville, Kentucky, reports:
"After I started using the software, I found myself more and more impressed by not only the power of the system, but its depth. I have referred it to my own clients and have been thrilled with the results they have received from it. I have seen that it can accomplish so much with people who are resistant to other methods. It is subtly powerful. It has helped my clients with many health and stress problems and even one in sales who was able to really turn herself around professionally with the program. I love the results and the speed with which it accomplishes them. I find it as enjoyable as a game, and certainly much more beneficial."
Raz Ingrasci, Director, Hoffman Institute, San Anselmo, CA.
"I believe that CompuMind represents a major breakthrough in personal performance technology that can be used safely in the privacy of home or office."
Matt Hill, owner, sales training company, San Jose, CA
Although I was already pretty successful in my business, I made a real leap in consistent sales and income with this system. It really works!"
What people say about The Cameron Method...
What people say about Designing Your Heart's Desire: The Releasing Strategy...
Coming in 2007 - CompuMind MyInnerMind , a dramatic advancement over SalesPower.
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