Ideas In Action Newsletter of
First Church of Religious Science of Greater SanJose
1195 Clark Street, San Jose, CA. 95125 408-294-1828
excerpted with permission
Designing Your Heart's Desire:
The Releasing Strategy
For Personal Power & Peace of Mindby Sharon Marshall Cameron
Designing Your Heart's Desire: The Releasing Strategy for Personal Power & Peace of Mind is a book you may want to ask for at The Open Door Bookstore, or your local bookseller. If you know or think you are blocked in some areas and want to move on, this book is for you.
This work is part of a system of mental change that the author, Sharon Marshall Cameron, codeveloped with her husband, Clark Cameron. The complete method is called Response Therapy: The Cameron Method. It consists of identifying your reasons for blocking or limiting yourself followed by releasing those negative assumptions or beliefs. This book describes that pivotal step of releasing the negative.
I found the book to be easy and quick to read and understand. It strikes me as being subtly simple and powerful. I find that applying information in The Releasing Strategy is very easy and I am sometimes noticing unexpected benefits days later.
This book is primarily a workbook, not a theoretical treatise. The first three chapters (30 pages) provide an explanation of the process. It is almost like being gently led into a warm comfortable pool. The remaining 14 chapters are applicable to different areas of life. These are done in enough areas to have specificity, yet general enough that you can apply it to different people in varied situations.
The method described in The Releasing Strategy would be especially useful in silencing the internal arguments we all have with ourselves. My nickname for this group of voices is the Bickersons; another is the Committee. The author uses this aspect in one of the chapters (15) to show how to use The Releasing Strategy to make affirmations more effective.
Another application (not mentioned by the author) is to use it in conjunction with prayer or spiritual mind healing work. Sometimes when doing prayer work we must let go of our own beliefs which are in apparent conflict with a desired result. The Releasing Strategy provides an especially effective method of implementing the Denial/Affirmation or Argumentative method within the realization step of treatment.
In closing, I recommend Designing Your Heart's desire: The Releasing Strategy for Personal Power & Peace of Mind to anyone who finds themselves or knows others who are, from time to time, mired in the muck of negativity. This is your release.
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