The Cameron Method - Newsletter Archive15 August, 1999 - Moving On After Tragedy
Inner Mind Update is currently a free newsletter, published bimonthly by Sharon & Clark Cameron to support your benefiting from the Releasing Strategy which is part of The Cameron Method. We focus on key developments and challenges of the mind, current affairs and life itself. The Cameron Method is available in software, cassette tapes, a book and personal counseling. For more information, see .
How can we move on in our lives when something has happened so overwhelming that nothing will ever be the same again?
How can we pick up the pieces when all our perceptions have been shattered by the loss of a loved one, a terrible illness or accident, financial disaster, or a natural disaster? One of these things would be a heavy burden, but often they compound each other.
As we have watched recent tragedies in the news, we have often heard the comment that shocked survivors must "move on" with their lives. That ability to move on and start a new life is surely a matter of individual timing. You have to go through those steps of grief to get to the other side. You must be kind to yourself while you go through the shock, denial, anger and finally acceptance of the unacceptable.
There are subtle changes in all of our lives all the time. Mostly we don't want to notice that we are all getting older and what that means. We are eternally at our vital center of our lives until something gets our attention. And sometimes that something is a shock.
If you've had some unbearable loss, know that one day you will be free of this constant ache. You will have lighthearted moments again. You will laugh. Life will be good again.
In the meantime, use tools at hand to help your inner mind and heart bear up through the pain. And use friends to talk about the process you are going through. The talking will help order the confusion in your subconscious. Don't fight the tears; let them go until you can start remembering the good times.
Know that your loss is great because you had something precious. There are people who go through life without ever being deeply involved with their surroundings and loved ones. The numb ones. People who are uncomfortable with emotions--who hold themselves "above it all" and who don't have to feel pain so much because of it.
Rejoice that you have had something or someone that it pains you to lose. You have had a blessed life. Treasure your memories and you will be given opportunities to create more in your new life.
Use the Releasing Strategy described in the book Designing Your Heart's Desire by Sharon Cameron here too. Repeat each statement aloud until you can say it easily.
- I release my belief, perception and judgment that I'll never be happy or secure again.
- I release all fear that this pain will never ease up.
- I release my belief, perception and judgment that I should have been able to avoid or stop this loss.
- I release all need or desire to blame myself or anyone else for this tragedy.
- I release my belief, perception and judgment that God has deserted me.
- I release my belief, perception and judgment that there won't be a positive outcome to this loss.
- I release my belief, perception and judgment that good doesn't work through pain and loss to help me have peace of mind.
- I release my belief, perception and judgment that I have to understand why this tragedy had to happen.
- I release all fear that this tragedy will overwhelm me.
- I release all fear that God isn't giving me the strength I need to weather this pain.
- I release my belief, perception and judgment that I am not getting stronger with each challenge I endure.
- I release all fear that I am alone in my pain.
- I release my belief, perception and judgment that eventually I won't be able to help others going through this kind of pain.
- I release all fear that I won't have a valuable contribution to make because of the pain I have gone through.
- I release my belief perception and judgment that good is not going to come from this tragedy.
- I release all unwillingness to let go of this pain now.
Blessings to you in creating a happy life.
Sharon and Clark Cameron
The Cameron Group
Helping People Create Attitudes That Work For Them
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