The Cameron Method - Newsletter Archive24 July, 2000 - Magic and Reality
Inner Mind Update is currently a free online newsletter, published monthly by Sharon & Clark Cameron to support your benefiting from the Releasing Strategy which is part of The Cameron Method. We focus on key developments and challenges of the mind, current affairs and life itself. The Cameron Method is available in CompuMind software, cassette tapes, the book Designing Your Heart's Desire: The Releasing Strategy and personal counseling. For more information, see and
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Magic & Reality
Are you an idealist? Do you dream dreams of things being better than they have ever been? Or has your dreaming ability been inhibited or depressed by your or others' cynicism? There is nothing like ridicule to squash our dreams. And there always seems to be an excess of that available. Losers delight in piling ridicule upon someone trying to do anything new, or different, or professing a positive viewpoint. It's called too simplistic, too unrealistic. It may even be called "magical" thinking.
We were interested and intrigued to read an insight by Joanne Rowling, the author of the incredibly successful fantasy adventure series for children Harr y Potter, quoted in an interview by Malcolm Jones, Newsweek (July 10, 2000).
She said, "I think... there will always, always, always be books about magic, discovering secret powers, stuff that you're not allowed to do. It exists in adults too. There's a small part of you that wishes you could alter external things to be the way they ought to be."
The idea of making things "the way they ought to be," brings back the famous quote from Robert Kennedy, when he said in a speech to the Irish Parliament in June 1963, paraphrasing Shaw, "Some men see things as they are, and say 'Why.' I dream things that never were, and say 'Why not?'"
If you have a dream, or want to develop one, you have to let go of anyone else's opinions. Work out your vision before you risk telling anyone about it. Question your own thinking along the way to test the details. Then, when you are ready, bounce it off of only clear thinking, positive and encouraging people. They can help you create new possibilities.
We may chuckle because we feel somewhat safe when a bully is attacking someone else's ideas. But we will never get anywhere we want to go when following or even allowing ourselves that kind of thinking. It is always the loser that ridicules dreams and efforts of others. A loser lacks the courage to try to make things "the way they ought to be."
Rowling continues, "One of the realities of growing up is realizing how limited your power is as an adult, also. As a kid you have the idea that you just have to grow up and--and then you grow up and you realize it's not that easy to change things from here, either--which doesn't mean it's not worth trying."
You can tap into your own power to create your dream. You can change your situation through changing the way you perceive that situation. It is the reaction to our perception of lack of power that gets us into trouble. With The Cameron Method's Releasing Strategy, you can have a tool to change that power center in your mind.
Use The Releasing Strategy, as taught in the book Designing Your Heart's Desire: The Releasing Strategy to empower yourself. Repeat each statement only until you can say it easily:
- I release my belief, perception and judgment that I can't create my dream.
- I release all fear of people attacking me for my dream.
- I release all need or desire to be afraid of trying something new.
- I release my belief, perception and judgment that I can't trust myself to create something worthwhile.
- I release all fear of anyone attacking my dream.
- I release all need or desire give up before I create what I want.
- I release my belief perception and judgment that no one will help me create my dream.
- I release all unwillingness to do what it takes to accomplish my desire.
- I release all resistance to clearly planning and implementing my dream.
- I release all unwillingness to make my dreams a reality.
- I release my belief, perception and judgment that anything or anyone can stop me from creating a better reality.
Have a magical day!
Sharon and Clark Cameron
The Cameron Group
Expanding Human Potential
"Attitude makes all the difference!"(Email)
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