work on, but you will be surprised by how natural and far-reaching the resultant changes can be.

Personal Coaching or Computer-Led Coaching?

Where possible, we recommend One-On-One Coaching, either in person or by phone. For powerful and lasting reinforcement and deepening, this can be followed by the computer-led process using our CompuMind software.

Remember the wisdom of the ancient philosophers, "Know thyself"? This must be the launching pad for any serious effort directed at personal growth or self-improvement. Until now, however, there has been no practical, scientifically valid method for you to use in learning to know your authentic self. The Cameron Method provides such a method.

Career Development Coaching with the Cameron Method provides a life-altering experience. It clears the mind for optimal functioning. The goal is simple: removal of negative and limiting blocks as stored in your subconscious and reflected in your ongoing mindset.

The precise nature of the improvements you make will of course depend on what is uncovered in the inventory. If you look over the detailed outline of the software program you will become aware of the extraordinary range of opportunities available for you to make highly beneficial change in your underlying mindset. Since your basic personality consists of a host of interrelated but often distinct mindsets, changes in elements that may seem logically unconnected to your career development and success can nevertheless have profound impact in this area.

Both men and women who have benefited from this experience share the outcome with you in our Web site section on Personal Coaching.

If you do not find it feasible to undertake our Career Development Coaching either in-person or by phone, the CompuMind software program is the next best thing. It is arguably the most comprehensive self-betterment software program available, and the most detailed, powerful and user-friendly.

Call either Dr. Clark Cameron or Sharon Marshall Cameron for free consultation on your needs and goals.

The Cameron Group
4975 Crowe Drive
Smyrna, GA 30082

Fax: 770-333-0121

© Copyright 1997-9 The Cameron Group, All Rights Reserved.


The Cameron Method

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The Cameron Method of Understanding the Human Psyche

What The Cameron Method of
Personal Development

Can Do For You

The more successful you are, the more important it is to keep personal development on your agenda. No matter what level of achievement you have reached, continuing growth is essential to the winning edge.

The famous and prolific writer, Norman Mailer, a man of unusually rich life experience, has summarized the matter succinctly. The following, he says, are the truest words he has ever written:

"For there was that law of life, so cruel and so just, that said that either one must change or pay more for remaining the same."

When we don't keep developing, we pay the price. But what happens when we do?

Here are some of the direct outcomes our clients have experienced:

  • Health problems overcome. Improved ablility to stay with exercise and dietary programs, easing of or complete release of chronic pain; accelerated recovery from accidents and injury; easing of allergies.
  • Small business saved or made profitable. Small business owner's attitude & mindset are crucial.
  • Sales careers remade or jet-propelled.
  • Major increases in income and ability to manage money.
  • Improved job performance and relations with management leading to promotions. .
  • Personal, mate and family relationships improved.
  • Relationships with money transformed. Making it, deserving it, using it, saving it--all are involved in your fundamental Money Mindset.
  • Negative and addictive habits released. Including some of the toughest, like smoking and drug abuse.
  • Fundamental attitude improved or even transformed. And with it, the potential for improving anything and everything.

The Camerons have developed simple, effective ways to empower people to get results like these. They include uncovering and removing hidden blocks and limits to making the most of natural aptitudes.

Almost everyone has native aptitude and potential, but also inner blocks to realizing it. Each person is different, unique. Consider the following requirements, and judge for yourself what your possibilities are.

What You'll Need to Succeed with The Cameron Method of Career Development Coaching and Support (the CompuMind System)

  1. Desire. No matter how successful you may be right now in any life area important to you, you must have a genuine desire to improve, to move to a new and higher level of performance and motivation.
  2. Intelligence. We're talking about intellect and there's a paradox. If you have too high an opinion of your native smarts, you may find it hard to learn the new things you'll need to know. Some humility is useful. The essence is having an open mind.
  3. Patience. In our system, the actual skills required are simple. Hopefully you'll also find them easy to master. (You're likely to experience the kind of breakthrough "Ah-Ha!" that comes when all of a sudden you "get it.")
  4. Commitment. Commitment is perhaps an illuminating summary of the three preceding qualities of desire, intelligence and patience. First must be the understanding that there is indeed something better for you and you desire it. You then take the action required. And stay the course.

With the four elements above, you'll be on the winning track with the Cameron Method.

The Cameron Method: Your Powerful Ally and Teacher

This system--and the software it produced---is the result of more than two decades of intensive inner mind work by Clark and Sharon Cameron. They have worked at the inner mind or subconscious level with many hundreds of people of all kinds. Their system is rooted in the discoveries and clinical experience of David B. Cheek, M.D. and psychologist Leslie LeCron, clinical hypnotherapists.

Building on the Cheek-LeCron contributions, Clark and Sharon have added significant discoveries and resultant system development of their own.

First, using the simple Cheek-LeCron Ideomotor (or biofeedback) device called an Indicator, they found in 1976 that the emotion-backed contents of the human subconscious mind will readily yield percentage readouts. These reveal exactly the strength of both your positive and negative feelings about anything and anyone in your entire life experience. Plus your expectations for the future.

Second, in 1986 the Camerons added a graphic-interfacing device that permits these percentage readouts to be obtained rapidly and precisely with the Indicator. It is called a Fan.

Third, later that year, they established that the common sense analytical procedure developed by Cheek & LeCron can also be easily put to work with another graphic interface or Fan designed for this purpose. They developed the system for doing this that has been used to benefit hundreds of people seeking self-understanding and improvement.

Fourth, shortly thereafter, they further adapted the Fan so that analysis of the subconscious can be extended to provide crucial information about human beliefs & values and their causes. This same Fan also permits precise chronological anchoring of the emotional origins of our beliefs and values. When did we first start to believe this or that, and why? (The revelations here are often little short of startling.)

Fifth and finally, beginning in 1980 and continuing down through the years, they developed the simple but powerful process called The Releasing Strategy.

This Strategy permits the user to make often shockingly swift and significant changes in even the most basic acquired, emotion-backed programming of the psyche. (Read the book on this subject by Sharon Marshall Cameron.)

The Role of Beliefs and Habits in The Cameron Method Process

All emotional learning may be viewed as falling into two main categories. One is our beliefs and the second is our habits.

The Cameron Method focuses on counterproductive beliefs which are normally more readily changed than you have thought possible.

These can be changed directly as you work in person with your Facilitator, or also as you are led to do so by your software program. Habits, especially physical addictions, of course, can be difficult to change. But it helps greatly to change the beliefs that produced and undergird them.

Beliefs and habits are intricately interrelated. If you change your beliefs without changing the relevant habits, these beliefs are all too likely to re-occur. They do so in order to justify or provide intellectual support for the habits.

Conversely, if you use sheer force of will to change a habit without altering the attendant beliefs that brought it into being or explained it, chances are the habit will resurface. Consider smoking, for instance. If you stop smoking while continuing to believe that you are or should be a smoker, the habit is almost certain to return.

Conversely, if you release all supporting beliefs about the desirability etc’z’ smoking, but continue the habit, even occasionally, chances are the pro-smoking beliefs will re-emerge to support and rationalize the habit, and the habit itself will return to previous addiction levels.

Fortunately, much of our behavior-affecting beliefs is not rooted in such physically addictive habits. For example, your relations with other people are influenced by your childhood experiences and the emotion-backed conclusions you reached as a result of them.

Let's say that---because of a traumatic event---you decided at age four that you cannot trust males who are much bigger and stronger than you are. This emotional decision will have profoundly affected important relationships throughout your life, including your adult years.

Typically, use of the The Cameron Method can free you from this negative mindset rapidly and easily. There may be some behavioral residues of ingrained habits that you will wish to work on, but you will be surprised by how natural and far-reaching the resultant changes can be.

Personal Coaching or Computer-Led Coaching?

Where possible, we recommend One-On-One Coaching, either in person or by phone. For powerful and lasting reinforcement and deepening, this can be followed by the computer-led process using our CompuMind software.

Remember the wisdom of the ancient philosophers, "Know thyself"? This must be the launching pad for any serious effort directed at personal growth or self-improvement. Until now, however, there has been no practical, scientifically valid method for you to use in learning to know your authentic self. The Cameron Method provides such a method.

Career Development Coaching with the Cameron Method provides a life-altering experience. It clears the mind for optimal functioning. The goal is simple: removal of negative and limiting blocks as stored in your subconscious and reflected in your ongoing mindset.

The precise nature of the improvements you make will of course depend on what is uncovered in the inventory. If you look over the detailed outline of the software program you will become aware of the extraordinary range of opportunities available for you to make highly beneficial change in your underlying mindset. Since your basic personality consists of a host of interrelated but often distinct mindsets, changes in elements that may seem logically unconnected to your career development and success can nevertheless have profound impact in this area.

Both men and women who have benefited from this experience share the outcome with you in our Web site section on Personal Coaching.

If you do not find it feasible to undertake our Career Development Coaching either in-person or by phone, the CompuMind software program is the next best thing. It is arguably the most comprehensive self-betterment software program available, and the most detailed, powerful and user-friendly.

Call either Dr. Clark Cameron or Sharon Marshall Cameron for free consultation on your needs and goals.

The Cameron Group
4975 Crowe Drive
Smyrna, GA 30082

Fax: 770-333-0121

© Copyright 1997-9 The Cameron Group, All Rights Reserved.